Taking care of your Health and Wellbeing
May 17, 2021
This month I'm writing to you from my own little silent retreat. I had to have a small correction done on my voice cord and follow up with 6 days of complete silence.
Yes, it was pretty hard, but also a very valuable experience of tapping into my own self-healing and taking great care of myself in this time.
As Acupressure is a daily practice for me, I decided to share one of my top favourite sequences with you.
This sequence is called Dr Tan's 8 Magical Points & 1, now why did he call this combination Magical? Because it is!
As an Acupuncturist, I use it regularly in the clinic with great success, particularly for problems located on the front of the body, in the belly or chest area. On top of that, it can help to generally tune the body and reactivate the body's self-healing response.
Use the video and printable as a guide to practice the sequence; this will become second nature as you cultivate a regular daily practice. To enhance the intention of your treatment, use an Essential Oil with this sequence.
Watch the sequence
Download the sequence
I'm working on a Meridian Flow Acupressure course to give you more strategies to use Acupressure in your life; I will share more on this in the coming months.
Take care of yourself,
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