
Acupoints & Essential Oils: Liver 8 & Bergamot or Geranium

May 15, 2024


Welcome to this month's Acupressure and Essential Oils series!

This month's acupoint is for you if you experience discomfort during the menstrual cycle or struggle with urogenital health issues. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers acupressure, a powerful tool for addressing these issues. This post explores Liver 8, a key acupressure point for women's health and the urogenital region, circulated by the Liver Meridian, and discusses how essential oils can enhance its benefits.

If you prefer video, watch here:  Help your Liver with Liver 8 & Essential Oils


Discovering Liver 8

Liver 8, also called LV 8 or Qu quan in pinyin, is located on the inner knee.
The Liver Meridian runs up the inner leg from the top of the big toe and ends just below the nipple.

To locate Liver 8, find the crease of your knee and move your fingers up a bit. Palpate the area until you find the most tender spot – that's your Liver 8, according to Dr. Tan's Balance Method.

The Actions of Liver 8:

  • Clears damp from the lower jiao
  • Benefits the genitals
  • Invigorates blood and strengthens the uterus
  • Nourishes blood and yin.

I love this point for women's health benefits. It can help regulate menstrual cycles and ease discomfort during that time. This point promotes relaxation and reduces frustration, therefore improving emotional well-being.

Additionally and more obviously, Liver 8 supports healthy liver function. Our liver plays a crucial role in hormone balance, blood sugar control, detoxification, and nutrient absorption, making it a critical organ for women's health.
We explore Acupressure with Essential oil in depth in The Art of Acupressure.


Oil Recommendations

To boost the effectiveness of stimulating Liver 8, consider using essential oils. Here are two options based on your needs:

Disperse stagnant energy (qi): Use a citrus oil like bergamot, grapefruit, or lemon. These oils have an uplifting and invigorating aroma that can help regulate menstrual cycles and address stagnation.

Tonify Yin and blood: Use a floral oil like geranium, rose or lavender. These calming oils can promote relaxation, reduce emotional tension, and support overall well-being.


Acupressure Massage

Apply a drop of your chosen essential oil, diluted with a carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil, to Liver 8.

Gently massage the point in a circular motion for a minute or so. Repeat this on the other leg.

Aim to stimulate Liver 8 daily or several times a day if you're experiencing menstrual cramps or other discomforts. Take your time with Acupressure, and most importantly, listen to your body and how it feels.

Remember, it's important to dilute essential oils before applying them topically.
If you have any concerns about using essential oils specifically for you, consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Incorporating acupressure and essential oils into your routine can support your feminine health and promote overall well-being.

If you missed our previous posts in the series, you can catch up on the blog posts here.


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