Meridian Flow Presents:

An introduction to Zhan Zhuang Qi Gong standing meditation  


Master Davide de Santis 

Master Davide de Santis

Discover the power of standing meditation for health, balance and inner peace

Zhan Zhuang is a very ancient Qi Gong, an energy-balancing practice also described in the Huang Di NeiJing, the Yellow Emperor's sacred text of traditional Chinese medicine precisely because of its therapeutic and alchemical characteristics.

The Tao consists of Yin and Yang and the Zhan Zhuang also contains these concepts. The body apparently still in a static position actually moves more energy than in any movement and the mind, apparently still, is instead working very actively and presently.
When energy is moving while standing still, and the mind is focused and present, extraordinary emotional states are activated which can heal the body and uplift the spirit.

Zhan Zhuang master Davide de Santis
Zhan Zhuang illustration by Davide de Santis

When you learn Zhan Zhuang meditation in its 6 main levels, you can increase your:

  • longevity

  • balance

  • physical health

  • increased energy

  • explosive energy

  • structure

  • non-duality status

  • meridian balance

  • qi power

  • inner peace and harmony


This 7-lesson course focuses on letting you experience the power of Zhan Zhuang in its basic level. 

This introduction to Standing meditation is suitable for anyone wanting to learn to calm the mind, strengthen the body and create inner stability and peace.

With this course you will have a diamond to work on, a key to descend into the depths of your being, a battery to increase your energy.

At this level you will use visualization to create biochemical reactions in your body. 

These reactions will cause your meridians and chakras to connect with each other in a harmonious and dynamic relationship. You will then have a tool to use to relieve stress and enhance your innate qualities.

The initiation training in the basics of ZhanZhuang will consist of 5 Zoom study lessons and 2 correction lessons

Keep me informed!

Course layout

Module 1
Radical Relaxation and Mind Work

Module 2
The Mind begins to positively influence the physical structure, psychophysical reset and spinal alignment

Module 3
The Mind awakens an inner power and the body aligns the Chakras and connects the meridians

Module 4
Practice & Corrections Session

Module 5 & 6
Different ways of using the Mind within the static posture to move energies and enhance the power of rootedness and Inner energy

Module 7
Practice & Corrections Session and Q&A

About Davide

Davide De Santis ( born in Milan), known in China as Dawei (大卫 in Chinese) began studying KungFu at the age of 5. At the age of 18, he decided to move to China and from that moment on, a long journey of research and transformation began.

De Santis has lived in China since 1998 and has been continuously dedicating himself to the study of the "Internal Arts" for over 20 years. Sifu De Santis speaks fluent Mandarin and has been officially involved in projects of great importance with the Culture Councilor of Beijing, Shaolin, WuDan and many other pillars of Chinese culture which attest to his importance in creating a cultural bridge.

De Santis is today one of the most sought-after Masters of ZhanZhuan QiGong and TaiJiQuan
Today he is a respected expert in Zhan Zhuang Qi Gong, meditation, TaiJiQuan XinShen, WingChun PanNam, Non-Duality Status, Increase Energy and TuiShou ChiSao.

Davide De Santis

About Angela 

Licensed Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist and Qi Gong Practitioner, Angela Chambers has two decades of experience in Chinese Medicine, Yoga and Qi Gong. After completing her studies and internship in China, Australia and UK she founded Meridian Flow Health in 2011,
an integrative Practice of Chinese Medicine in La Tour-de-Peilz in Switzerland. Angela is specialised in the Balance method system of Acupuncture (Si Yuan Balance method) and helps people from all over the globe to create health from the inside out.

Through her years of clinical practice, continued study with her teachers and raising her children, her Meridian Flow practices have been organized into comprehensive programs incorporating Chinese Medicine, Energy Cultivation and Essential Oils for enhancing energetic and physical health. Since practising Shaolin Qi gong and the standing meditation practice of Zhan Zhuang, she is dedicated to bringing these powerful health cultivation practices to her students.
Angela also created several successful online study programs such as The Five, an online deep dive into the principles of five element living, acupressure and health cultivation in daily life.

Angela Chambers